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(2591 m)

This village is situated 39 kms. away from Kalpa on the left bank of river Satluj. The location is very beautiful and approach to this picturesque village is through apricot orchards. The local deity is Urmig and there are three structures dedicated to the deity each existing in Thwaring, Garmang and Shilling. Generally these are empty as the ark of the deity remains in the fort. On a sacred day the ark is taken to the above named places. The ark has got 18 'mukh', made of silver, gold and brass. The 18 mukh represents the 18 days of the great epic Mahabharat.--

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Iam Inder Singh ! I am what I am !! A coder ! A Nature Lover ! Love Meditation & Yoga ! Love my freedom ! Love tours & travels ! Altogether I am "A Crazy Man !" - Visit me @ My Home District: My Studio Office:- My Beautiful Himachal:

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Destinations (~20/76)

Himachal Pradesh is major choice for tourism destinations in India. Rich with natural beauty , In Himachal Pradesh there are a lot of beautiful rivers, lakes, Valley views, Hills, Forests etc which no one would like to miss ever.


छरंग- यह किन्नौर जिले का एक गांव है। छरंग से एक मील की दुरी पर विशाल बौद्ध मंदिर है जिसे रंगरीछो कहते हैं। इस मंदिर में मिटटी की बनी हुई...

Leo kinnaur

Leo kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh

About 105 kms from Reckong Peo pearched on small rocky eminence, on the right bank of Spiti river, and at the confluence of the Lipak torrent...

Moorang kinnaur

Moorang kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh,

Moorang(3591m): Situated above the left bank of Satluj at some distance from the confluence of the Tirang and 39 kms away from the Kalpa.

Rakchham Kinnaur

Rakchham Kinnaur

Rakchham(3115m): Rakchham is situated on the right bank of the river Baspa. Its name is derived from "Rak" a stone and "Cham" a bridge.