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Culture & Beliefs in Kinnaur (~10/10 )


Dress of peoples Culture and Beliefs The People kinnaur

The people of district dress mostly woolen clothes. There clothing is well suited to the climate and is artistic too in its own distinctive way.

Head dress: of men and women is a round wool


A number of dialects are spoken by the inhabitants of district Kinnaur which came under 'Kinnauri' or 'Kanauri'. According to classification of languages made by the Linguistic Survey of India, 'Ka

Losar Boddh (लोसर बौद्ध) Kinnaur

लोसर-बौद्ध-बौद्ध परम्परागत यह नव वर्ष का त्यौहार है। यह पूह क्षेत्र में मना


Kinnaur people Religion

As stated above, the people of lower Kinnaur are mostly Hindus, though some references of Buddhism is also evident. Their most important gods and goddess are Durga or Chandi, Bhairon, Usha or Ukha,